Saga rodziny Gottlobów
Dokument z 1870 r. z Wawelu i cztery gałęzie rodziny Gottlobów
Wolf Gottlob - najstarsze dokumenty

Beniamin Gottlob
Eliasz Gottlob, Hersch Gottlob, Beniamin jr, Eli Diner
Schachna Gottlob, Jakub Markus Gottlob, Dawid Gottlob, Ruth Gottlieb-Katz, Floralove Katz
Eli Diner - malarstwo. Wizyta w Grybowie

Gałąź z Muszyny

Born in Berlin, Germany. In 1947. In 1949 my family left to France, leaving again to Argentina in 1951.
I immigrated to Israel in 1973 joining Kibbutz Gaash. In 1975 I left the kibbutz and settled in Tel Aviv.
In 1972, still in Argentina, I began my art studies at the studio of the Argentinean painter Miguel Dávila. In Israel I studied with Abraham Farhi, Jan Rauchwerger, Harold Rubin and Uri Shtetner (1980-1987).
In 2002 I received my B.A. degree in Multidisciplinary Art Studies and in 2006 I finished my studies towards the MA degree in Interdisciplinary Art Studies in the Tel Aviv University (I never finished my thesis :-)).
Since 1992 I'm a member of the Tel Aviv Artist Association and between 2000-2007 I directed the Printmaking Workshop at the Tel Aviv Artist House and taught etching at the same workshop till 2012.
Since 1989 I showed my work in many art shows, being 21 of them solo exhibitions.

Uprooted is a condition that characterizes cultural, psychological and even physical otherness, a kind of detachment that shapes personality, behavior and appearance of people that are different. By the other hand otherness creates shelters, spaces of solidarity with people sharing the same kind of exile, an ambivalent environment of belonging and alienation.
The uprooted trees series tries to find a minimalistic metaphor, personal but universal, a metaphor that expresses the ambivalence implicit in the difficulties of alienation and the comfort that they are other people in similar situations, the feeling that there is a present brotherhood.
Specjalnie na jutrzejszą rocznicę likwidacji getta w Grybowie i mordu w Białej Niżnej przyjeżdża malarz Eliasz Diner z dziećmi i wnukami.
Ojcem Eliasza był grybowianin, Beniamin Gottlob, syn Eliasza i Estery. Rodzina Gottlobów była jedną z najstarszych rodzin żydowskich w Grybowie. Beniamin Gottlob, radny miasta Grybowa, prawdopodobnie pradziadek Eliasza Dinera, przemawiał na pogrzebie burmistrza dra Jakubowskiego w imieniu gminy żydowskiej.
Jednym z częstych motywów w malarstwie Eliasza Dinera jest drzewo wyrwane z korzeniami...
Kamil Kmak, styczeń 2020 - marzec 2021 r.
Zdjęcia z albumu Ruth Gottlob-Katz i Floralove Katz - córki i wnuczki Dawida Gottloba
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